Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Secret weight loss tips

Now. Summer is on its way and bikinis are waiting to be worn. Since they are enemies to most women, I started looking for some easy weight loss tips to help you/them feel more confident wearing bikinis. I have to say, I'm not a big fan of any last minute 20-pound weight loss tips. Train and work. That's the only way you'll get a bikini body that lasts longer than a week. I find it pathetic when women suck in their tummies at the beach. If you hadn't eaten that burger, you wouldn't have to walk around like a penguin with exaggerated posture. Just be confident about it. Anyway, I found some tips I haven't heard of before. So, I thought I just share them with you.

To amp up your workout intensity, keep your core temperature down. Don't heat up the room - no hot yoga! The cooler you train, the harder you train. Drink cold water while you exercise or put a few drops of peppermint oil on your wrists before you start; it enhances your power. 

Tea time
Tea time is great for several reasons: it helps curb appetite, burn fat and boost your metabolism. A caffeinated tea or caffeinated product gives you extra energy for your workout to burn even more calories. Because you know, the more calories you burn, the more you can eat for dinner. ;)

Have you noticed that the main colors you find at fast food places are orange, yellow and red? These colors stimulate appetite. So, use blue: blue glasses, blue place mats, blue plates and have blue items in your dining room. The whole idea is that it helps you eat less; cooler foods decrease your urge to eat. 

Portion control 
Get yourself a muffin tin and make your quiches, muffins and tars in this tin. Don't waste time counting calories. This way, you know the approximate calories per serving; it's automatic portion control.

Spicy food
Spicy food not only boosts you metabolism, it also decreases your appetite. Just add pepper, pepperoni, garlic or cayenne powder to your meal. When they are extremely spicy, you naturally will eat less. So, heat it up!

It takes 20 minutes for you to feel full. If you're hungry and eating fast, you have a tendency to let your eyes be bigger than your stomache. Eating with chopsticks or your non-dominant hand helps you to eat slower and notice when you're full.

If I spark you eating your meal with blue sunglasses and chopsticks out of a muffin tin this summer, I won't be surprised then. If you got interested in this tips and want more, just search for them on youtube. There are many 'experts' who can provide you with further information.

Slim for life by Jillian Michaels

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