Friday, June 6, 2014

Humans are the best people on earth

Aren't we great? Put aside all those negative things I said in previous posts about humans. Yes, they are true, we are still monsters, but we are pretty clever and well-development monsters! I recently heard that we produce during our lifetime enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. Two swimming pools, isn't that amazing? The average person also expels flatulence 14 times a day, without realizing it. So I dare to say that's a pretty great achievement, although I think cows do an even better job breaking wind. I think humans made it clear that they don't want to be compared to animals. I mean yes, humans are awesome. We researched our entire body and are now able to study it. We can reproduce ourselves multiple times, and are able to live within a family. We are not like praying mantis who bite their husband's head off after they bred. Na, we don't do that. Although, I think some women secretly wish to do so. Anyway, we are not only awesom because of our achievements, inventions or action, we are also have a fantastic body. And I don't mean the outside,  I'm talking about its functions. Your body deals with some many bacterias and germs every day, but are you sick 365 days a year? No, right. Our body also digests the crappiest crap you feed it, or cures a hangover by itself. It's a pretty amazing thing our body, isn't it? I put together some more things you maybe haven't heard of yet about the human body. 

  • Blondes have more hair. 
  • The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.
  • The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades.
  • You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive. 
  • Coughs clock in at about 60 mph. 
  • The three things pregnant women dream most of during their first trimester are frogs, worms and potted plants.    
  • Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born. 
  • Babies are always born with blue eyes.  
  • After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp. 
  • Even small noises cause the pupils of the eyes to dilate.
  • Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins. 

  • Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest. 
  • A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it is been decapitated.   
  • The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. 
  • The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself.
  • The most common blood type in the world is Type O.
  • Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil.
  • It is not possible to tickle yourself. 
  • Humans are the only animals to produce emotional tears.
  • Research suggests that Children tend to grow faster in spring season as compared to any other time of the year  

  • You have no sense of smell when you're sleeping 
  • You know, you can see your nose all the time but somehow your brain always ignores it. 
  • All babies are color blind when they are born, so they only see black and white. 
  • People with dark color skin wrinkle later than the people having light color skins
  • People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper. 
  • It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
  • Your brain is move active and thinks more at night than during the day.
  • The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body. 
  • Fingers don't have any muscles.The muscles, which move our finger joints, are located in the palm and up in the forearm. 
  • Men get hiccups more often than women.  

  • A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 miles per hour.When a sneeze leaves your body, it is at such a high speed that you should avoid suppressing it. 
  • Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails. 
  • Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  • Babies are born with pink lungs but they darken in color as we breathe in polluted air.
  • The right lung is bigger than left lung.The left lung is small so as to adjust the heart in that part.
  • Human hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.
  • You burn more calorie while sleeping than watching TV.
  • Everybody has a strong eye and one weak.
  • If human eye was a digital camera ,it would have 576 mega pixels.

Amazing, right? 
So, stop smoking, drinking or eating processed food. Your body works for you all year long, so appreciate that and spoil it with good food and good care. And don't ignore its voice, it will tell you when somethings wrong or when you should step back a little and relax more. Trust your body and your gut feeling, and be proud of both. They will acompany you your entire life - so better start getting used to them! No matter what, you have a great body. Think of it like a house - your soul should like living in it. Take care of your body, you only have one!



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