Wednesday, June 11, 2014


We are all talking about health. It is, apparently, the most important aspect in life - to be healthy. You want it, you need it, you have to be it, but what does health actually mean? Does it mean to exercise regularly and eat fresh food, like it  does for most people? What about smoking? Can you be healthy while working out, eating fresh, and smoking? What are you saying - you need that cigarette? It calms you down, helps you to cope with life - oh, shut up. Why did you start in the first place? No, idea - well, I thought so. So, healthy + smoking = ain't gonna work for a long time. So we solved that one; what about food? I think we all agree on fast food as not being healthy for us at all. But what about dairy products or raw food? Some experts say that eating and drinking too many dairy products can overacidify your body and cause headaches, mood swings and digestion problems. I always thought they are good for my bones and brain., but I can't my body, can I ? I want to know, what is healthy food then? Can I really only eat vegetables, fruits and meat to be healthy? What are you saying vegetarian over there- meat is not even healthy? - Antibiotics, stressed animals? Jeez, I'm getting really frustrated here. Can I, at least, have  my cup(s) of coffee and a little croissant? One cup is fine without milk but wheat, especially wheat pastry and bread are bad for me? Okay, I give up. Now see, this is why I'm so confused when I comes to being healthy. I read and heard so much about what
to do and eat, and what not that I'm really insecure about this. Talking about insecurity: I don't have a scale, so I honestly don't know about much I weigh (for real), but some magazines take the BMI to categorize peoples' health. The three main categorize are underweight (≤ 16,0), normal weight (18,5–25,0), and overweight (25,0–30,0). If you are curious which one of these three you are, check here. But this just focuses on the weight, nothing more. I can have a normal weight but not be healthy, right? For instance if I drink too much alcohol, or smoke, watch a lot television but at the same time don't eat lot - I still have a normal weight. I looked at the longman dictionary to get closure and it says: "physically strong and not likely to become ill or weak; used to describe an attitude, feeling, or behaviour that is natural, normal, and sensible" . That's an answer I can accept, healthy meaning not getting sick a lot. What's the opposite of sick - right, healthy. So, that makes sense. But still, what do I have to do to not get sick, to be healthy?   


Let's listen to some experts:


 What do students my age advice people:

What does health mean to you?

So, I heard vitamins help you preventing sickness. Here are the most important vitamins you need to be healthy:  

Vitamin A
Talk about your overachiever: This antioxidant boosts immune systems, improves vision, cuts risk of heart disease, and may slow skin aging.

Food? large carrot or sliced cantaloupe 

B Vitamins
The eight B vitamins help maintain metabolism, muscle tone, and a sharp mind, says Mary Ellen Camire, Ph.D., a nutrition professor at the University of Maine at Orono. Most important for young women is B9 (folic acid), which keeps red blood cells healthy and guards against cancer and birth defects.

Food? most fortified breakfast cereals, whole-grain breads, asparagus, and beans.

where does it say, eat cookies? :/
Where does it say: eat cookies?
Vitamin C
Despite its rep as a cold fighter, C has never been proven to prevent or cure the sniffles. But the antioxidant is believed to boost your immune system and help prevent heart disease, prenatal problems, and eye illnesses. It even helps wounds heal faster and fends off wrinkles.

Food? citrus fruits, vibrant veggies, red pepper, broccoli. 

Vitamin D
The vitamin du jour, D could be something of a wonder drug. Docs believe it can reduce your risk of breast cancer by as much as 50 percent, and it may offer protection from both ovarian cancer and diabetes. More happiness: D helps calcium absorption and plays a central role in muscle function.

Food? Milk, orange juice, and salmon, Sunshine! 

Two words: strong bones. "Women start losing bone density in their twenties," say experts. "Calcium is your single best defense, and you should start taking it now." The mineral also helps build strong teeth and nourishes your nervous system.

Food? Yogurt, milk, and cheese do pack calcium, but not an ideal amount. 

Too little of this mineral can spell anemia (a lack of red blood cells) and a weakened immune system. Iron is also particularly important for women with heavy periods.

Food? some breakfast cereals, iron-rich foods like red meat. You might want to pop a pill to reach the daily amount. Just talk to your doc first; too much can be harmful.

What does health mean to you? Do you have any tips for me?
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