Saturday, March 15, 2014

What good bloggers do

What do good bloggers do? That's the question. By looking through many other blogs, I got the impression that I somehow misunderstood the concept of blogging. Since I'm not the type of person who likes to share feelings over the Internet, I'm having some problems with opening up and telling people I don't know about my life and opinions. But oh well, that seems to be the idea of blogging.
So, after a month not looking at my blog at all, it is time to upgrade and change things a little. To get some inspiration on how I can make my blog more readable, I took a closer look at these three blogs and their qualities.

1) interesting topics
In order to make a blog more readable the most important aspect is the importance of the topics to the world. Nobody is interested in what the blogger did today or what the weather was like. It is more about things that matter, inspire, make the reader laugh or think. This might be the hard part for some bloggers (like me) to find topics that are influential, appealing or humorous. I mostly ask friends and family if they have topics they would like to get more information on or look through the internet and other blogs. Easier ways are no narrow topics down  to one themed blog or do a series on one topic. 

2) engage with the readers
To be taken seriously and be considered a good blogger, it is important to always have the readers in mind. Those are the people who will read what has been written and will then form their own thoughts based on that. If there are no opinions, feelings, thoughts or no passion the readers will get bored and click on another side/blog. So, expressing feelings and writing in an original way makes a blog much more entertaining and will keep readers. Adapting the style of writing to the topic and audience as well as asking question and for advice is the key to engage with the readers.

3) font and size
Layout, Design, font and font size are the basics of a good blog. If the font size is too small or the background color is too distracting, a blog is not readable, no matter if it is interesting or boring. Font and size should be the same throughout the whole blog otherwise the readers can’t focus on the content.

4) be different 
Good bloggers use their own words, no copying is allowed! They write what they feel, make their own layout, try something new and write about it, even embarrassing experiences, which doesn’t matter. This is about the chance to be a writer, to touch nations, to inspire individuals. At least, that’s the fancy idea.  Information and interesting articles can be found in the newspapers as well. Blogging, however, is about the person behind the letters and his or her life and thoughts.

5) what should I change then? 
I have to get over my fear of writing. I took days for just one post. I also have to stop looking for information for hours and hours, instead I will focus on relevant and to-the-point information. Mistakes in blog give me a headache as well. I have to stop worrying so much about mistakes and people’s reactions - I can’t let this stop me from blogging. I heard that my posts were too long to read for some friends, from now on I will post shorter posts more often – addressing the reader is the key! And as my teacher advised me to do: Yes, I will take pride in my blog.

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