Saturday, December 28, 2013

Love is...

Printed in many daily newspapers Love is... comics strips are one of the most used quotes worldwide. They are translated into every European language, Indonesian, Korean Icelandic and so on and so forth. Originally, these little strips were created by Kim Casali for her husband. As a result of the great response to the first published  strips in 1970, Love is... became enormously famous. Books, newspapers, gifts, gift cards, comics, posters and many more a filled with these strips. At the height of their popularity the cartoons were earning Kim Casali £4-5 million annually. After Roberto Casali, Kim's husband, was diagnosed with cancer, Bill Asprey took over the writing and drawing of the famous cartoons. Nonetheless, Love is... comic strips are still signed with Kim Casali's signature.

The strips mostly show the same two persons: a male with dark black, short hair and a female with blond, waist-length hair. These two are featured throughout their lives. First as children, then as boyfriend and girlfriend and eventually as husband and wife. Furthermore, in some strips they appear with their own children and/or pets. The characters never change form or appearance; generally they look them same in every strip. Usually, the cartoon deals with light issues, however, messages concerning environmental problems and human right are also featured in some strips.
Each strip is independent of the other; there is no "series" or connection between them.

Reasons why these cartoons are so popular vary among people. In general, these strips describe relationship issues perfectly, therefore, people greatly identify themselves with these cartoons.

Although the characters are shown in the nude in most of the strips there are still some strips which are rejected to publish,
take a look:

The cartoon also has an official application on the Apple's iTunes store at

Some of the many Love is... comic strips:

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