Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pacing yourself (presentations)

Why is it that we give up on things so easily once we start to struggle or experience failure? On New Year's everybody has those awesome wishes to make the upcoming year the greatest. Some people want to quit smoking, others want to exercise more or eat healthier. What happens to these goals? It's June now, about half of the year has passed already. Are those people still smoking, do they eat healthier? No? Why not? Did you fulfill your New Year's goals? If you did, I'm proud of you. If not, think about why you failed. I'm pretty sure those people will wish the same things at the next New Years, "but this time for real". Don't argue that you got distracted, you didn't have time to work out or buy healthier groceries. If you want it, you can do it - you know that. Focus! That's the key. Never lose sight of your goals and dreams. Think about why you set them up in the first place. Why did you lose your motivation to achieve them? Goals are almost never a one-day-thing; they take time and effort. It's about the constant progress to achieve them and change you. Making lists can help you stay focused or write it on post-its and position them all over your home and office. Every day is a new day to turn the wheel around. 

As it is now mid of June, end of semester, pacing yourself is more important than ever. I understand  that this is a very stressful time for many students, but still, do me a favor and put on a little smile. It lightens your mood (as previously discussed in a post) and the mood of the people around you. Even if there is nothing to smile about, do it and you feel better within a second. If you are lacking motivation, think about why you started your studies; why are you doing this? What is your ultimate career goal? Do you have it? Okay, awesome. Then work your butt off to get there - do not fail at the end of the year! Pull yourself together and pace yourself; push yourself! I know you can do it, and so do you! Alright,  I feel better now that I know you'll make your year. So, I know this is a blog about health-related topics but I shortly want to mention some great achievements of my fellow students who kept pacing themselves until the end of this year. This week I was fortunate enough to watch some awesome presentations they gave on American and Irish culture topics. I was pretty impressed by the presentation skills of some students, I definitely hadn't expected that. I started off Monday morning with some Jazz (that sounds awesome), followed by information on Cinco de Mayo and a presentation on Christian colleges and universities in the US. Later that day I heard some interesting information about guns and why Americans are so obsessed with them, about the massacre at
Virginia tech, the smurfs (they are real people!), about the US educational system and lastly political satire. After a loong day of information and presenting my own presentation I finally got to go home, get some rest and do some good studying on other subjects. The second day students provided me with interesting facts about the CIA, F.Scott Fitzgerald and women's will to lead. Later on that day, it was all about Ireland: the Irish language, the educational system in Ireland and the Vikings. I tell ya, those were some awesome presentations! While the majority of students I watched used PowerPoint slides, some also created excellent prezis. I haven't done a prezi myself yet but they definitely inspired me to explore the new form of presenting. I feel very privileged to have been able to hear about these American and Irish topics, I don't know if I would've stumbled across them elsewhere in my life. Thank you my fellow students! I wish
everybody strength and motivation for their last exams. One word keeps up popping in my head: vacation! Yap, I think we all need it and it's coming soon.

Have a good one,

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