Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pacing yourself (presentations)

Why is it that we give up on things so easily once we start to struggle or experience failure? On New Year's everybody has those awesome wishes to make the upcoming year the greatest. Some people want to quit smoking, others want to exercise more or eat healthier. What happens to these goals? It's June now, about half of the year has passed already. Are those people still smoking, do they eat healthier? No? Why not? Did you fulfill your New Year's goals? If you did, I'm proud of you. If not, think about why you failed. I'm pretty sure those people will wish the same things at the next New Years, "but this time for real". Don't argue that you got distracted, you didn't have time to work out or buy healthier groceries. If you want it, you can do it - you know that. Focus! That's the key. Never lose sight of your goals and dreams. Think about why you set them up in the first place. Why did you lose your motivation to achieve them? Goals are almost never a one-day-thing; they take time and effort. It's about the constant progress to achieve them and change you. Making lists can help you stay focused or write it on post-its and position them all over your home and office. Every day is a new day to turn the wheel around. 

As it is now mid of June, end of semester, pacing yourself is more important than ever. I understand  that this is a very stressful time for many students, but still, do me a favor and put on a little smile. It lightens your mood (as previously discussed in a post) and the mood of the people around you. Even if there is nothing to smile about, do it and you feel better within a second. If you are lacking motivation, think about why you started your studies; why are you doing this? What is your ultimate career goal? Do you have it? Okay, awesome. Then work your butt off to get there - do not fail at the end of the year! Pull yourself together and pace yourself; push yourself! I know you can do it, and so do you! Alright,  I feel better now that I know you'll make your year. So, I know this is a blog about health-related topics but I shortly want to mention some great achievements of my fellow students who kept pacing themselves until the end of this year. This week I was fortunate enough to watch some awesome presentations they gave on American and Irish culture topics. I was pretty impressed by the presentation skills of some students, I definitely hadn't expected that. I started off Monday morning with some Jazz (that sounds awesome), followed by information on Cinco de Mayo and a presentation on Christian colleges and universities in the US. Later that day I heard some interesting information about guns and why Americans are so obsessed with them, about the massacre at
Virginia tech, the smurfs (they are real people!), about the US educational system and lastly political satire. After a loong day of information and presenting my own presentation I finally got to go home, get some rest and do some good studying on other subjects. The second day students provided me with interesting facts about the CIA, F.Scott Fitzgerald and women's will to lead. Later on that day, it was all about Ireland: the Irish language, the educational system in Ireland and the Vikings. I tell ya, those were some awesome presentations! While the majority of students I watched used PowerPoint slides, some also created excellent prezis. I haven't done a prezi myself yet but they definitely inspired me to explore the new form of presenting. I feel very privileged to have been able to hear about these American and Irish topics, I don't know if I would've stumbled across them elsewhere in my life. Thank you my fellow students! I wish
everybody strength and motivation for their last exams. One word keeps up popping in my head: vacation! Yap, I think we all need it and it's coming soon.

Have a good one,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


We are all talking about health. It is, apparently, the most important aspect in life - to be healthy. You want it, you need it, you have to be it, but what does health actually mean? Does it mean to exercise regularly and eat fresh food, like it  does for most people? What about smoking? Can you be healthy while working out, eating fresh, and smoking? What are you saying - you need that cigarette? It calms you down, helps you to cope with life - oh, shut up. Why did you start in the first place? No, idea - well, I thought so. So, healthy + smoking = ain't gonna work for a long time. So we solved that one; what about food? I think we all agree on fast food as not being healthy for us at all. But what about dairy products or raw food? Some experts say that eating and drinking too many dairy products can overacidify your body and cause headaches, mood swings and digestion problems. I always thought they are good for my bones and brain., but I can't my body, can I ? I want to know, what is healthy food then? Can I really only eat vegetables, fruits and meat to be healthy? What are you saying vegetarian over there- meat is not even healthy? - Antibiotics, stressed animals? Jeez, I'm getting really frustrated here. Can I, at least, have  my cup(s) of coffee and a little croissant? One cup is fine without milk but wheat, especially wheat pastry and bread are bad for me? Okay, I give up. Now see, this is why I'm so confused when I comes to being healthy. I read and heard so much about what
to do and eat, and what not that I'm really insecure about this. Talking about insecurity: I don't have a scale, so I honestly don't know about much I weigh (for real), but some magazines take the BMI to categorize peoples' health. The three main categorize are underweight (≤ 16,0), normal weight (18,5–25,0), and overweight (25,0–30,0). If you are curious which one of these three you are, check here. But this just focuses on the weight, nothing more. I can have a normal weight but not be healthy, right? For instance if I drink too much alcohol, or smoke, watch a lot television but at the same time don't eat lot - I still have a normal weight. I looked at the longman dictionary to get closure and it says: "physically strong and not likely to become ill or weak; used to describe an attitude, feeling, or behaviour that is natural, normal, and sensible" . That's an answer I can accept, healthy meaning not getting sick a lot. What's the opposite of sick - right, healthy. So, that makes sense. But still, what do I have to do to not get sick, to be healthy?   


Let's listen to some experts:


 What do students my age advice people:

What does health mean to you?

So, I heard vitamins help you preventing sickness. Here are the most important vitamins you need to be healthy:  

Vitamin A
Talk about your overachiever: This antioxidant boosts immune systems, improves vision, cuts risk of heart disease, and may slow skin aging.

Food? large carrot or sliced cantaloupe 

B Vitamins
The eight B vitamins help maintain metabolism, muscle tone, and a sharp mind, says Mary Ellen Camire, Ph.D., a nutrition professor at the University of Maine at Orono. Most important for young women is B9 (folic acid), which keeps red blood cells healthy and guards against cancer and birth defects.

Food? most fortified breakfast cereals, whole-grain breads, asparagus, and beans.

where does it say, eat cookies? :/
Where does it say: eat cookies?
Vitamin C
Despite its rep as a cold fighter, C has never been proven to prevent or cure the sniffles. But the antioxidant is believed to boost your immune system and help prevent heart disease, prenatal problems, and eye illnesses. It even helps wounds heal faster and fends off wrinkles.

Food? citrus fruits, vibrant veggies, red pepper, broccoli. 

Vitamin D
The vitamin du jour, D could be something of a wonder drug. Docs believe it can reduce your risk of breast cancer by as much as 50 percent, and it may offer protection from both ovarian cancer and diabetes. More happiness: D helps calcium absorption and plays a central role in muscle function.

Food? Milk, orange juice, and salmon, Sunshine! 

Two words: strong bones. "Women start losing bone density in their twenties," say experts. "Calcium is your single best defense, and you should start taking it now." The mineral also helps build strong teeth and nourishes your nervous system.

Food? Yogurt, milk, and cheese do pack calcium, but not an ideal amount. 

Too little of this mineral can spell anemia (a lack of red blood cells) and a weakened immune system. Iron is also particularly important for women with heavy periods.

Food? some breakfast cereals, iron-rich foods like red meat. You might want to pop a pill to reach the daily amount. Just talk to your doc first; too much can be harmful.

What does health mean to you? Do you have any tips for me?
Leave a comment below...


Monday, June 9, 2014


In life, we dedicate our time to things we are interested in. We spend more time on some things and less on others. Interests can range from sports, books, traveling, knitting to any number of other activities. Some people tend to excessively engage in an activity and develop an obsession. However, from which point is this obsession referred to as an addiction? Is there a certain action or indication for the start of an addiction? When is an addiction classified as unhealthy and can an addiction be healthy? For example, when it comes to alcohol, the question is often discussed if one beer per day can be referred to as an addiction. A beer a day is seen a normal level of consumption by some young men. As a result,  more than one beer is customarily consumed. If we take the example of only one beer per day, totalling 365 beers a year, could this conceivably be construed as an alcohol addiction? To be able to answer this question, 4 different terms have to be defined and put into perspective. A fixation can primarily be categorized in: an obsession, a habit, a routine or an addiction. A routine is a series of actions repeated regularly at an exact time a habit is an action done by choice and can be stopped at any point, an obsession is an interest in something that stops a person from thinking of anything else. Lastly, an addiction involves physical or mental dependence and therefore cannot be stopped without help.

Constant repetition of an action can be a sign of mental disturbance. If a person is addicted to a substance or behavior, he is not able to fully control his actions.The causes of addiction vary considerably and are often not fully understood. They are generally caused by a combination of physical, mental, circumstantial and emotional factors. People utilize substances (alcohol, nicotine, marijuana) or activities (gambling, sex) as a way to relieve these factors. They often feel that substances help them bury their unwanted emotions or problems. Further on in their addiction, addicts depend on these substances to cope with daily life as a whole. Studies revealed that addicts have a different, regularly false, view on the substances they are using than non-addicts. Oftentimes, they do not see any harm in their usage, nor do they understand the concerns of their confidants. Consequently, they frequently switch addictive actions from drug to either a higher dosage or to a more serious drug. To be able to treat the addiction successfully, the focus has to be on the reason why the addiction developed rather than the addiction itself.

Addiction to substances or activities can lead to serious problems at home, work, school and socially. When referring to any kind of addiction, it is important to recognize that its cause is not simply a search for pleasure as addiction has nothing to do with one's morality or strength of character. It is simply the lack of ability to handle loose emotions or a rough past. Although drug victims may not comprehend the negative repercussions of their addictive actions yet, they are capable of terminating their behavior. As studies show, most addicts necessitate a dear friend to help them guide to what they yearn for - inner piece and acceptance.

If you know anybody who suffers from an addiction and needs help, (in Austria)
visit the website help Austria or (outside of Austria) google for help in your area. 

It is a particularly difficult situation if your friend has an addiction (-related) problem.
You will not able to cope with this on your own - look for professional support.
Do not ignore the addiction.



Friday, June 6, 2014

Humans are the best people on earth

Aren't we great? Put aside all those negative things I said in previous posts about humans. Yes, they are true, we are still monsters, but we are pretty clever and well-development monsters! I recently heard that we produce during our lifetime enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. Two swimming pools, isn't that amazing? The average person also expels flatulence 14 times a day, without realizing it. So I dare to say that's a pretty great achievement, although I think cows do an even better job breaking wind. I think humans made it clear that they don't want to be compared to animals. I mean yes, humans are awesome. We researched our entire body and are now able to study it. We can reproduce ourselves multiple times, and are able to live within a family. We are not like praying mantis who bite their husband's head off after they bred. Na, we don't do that. Although, I think some women secretly wish to do so. Anyway, we are not only awesom because of our achievements, inventions or action, we are also have a fantastic body. And I don't mean the outside,  I'm talking about its functions. Your body deals with some many bacterias and germs every day, but are you sick 365 days a year? No, right. Our body also digests the crappiest crap you feed it, or cures a hangover by itself. It's a pretty amazing thing our body, isn't it? I put together some more things you maybe haven't heard of yet about the human body. 

  • Blondes have more hair. 
  • The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger.
  • The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades.
  • You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive. 
  • Coughs clock in at about 60 mph. 
  • The three things pregnant women dream most of during their first trimester are frogs, worms and potted plants.    
  • Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born. 
  • Babies are always born with blue eyes.  
  • After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp. 
  • Even small noises cause the pupils of the eyes to dilate.
  • Everyone has a unique smell, except for identical twins. 

  • Monday is the day of the week when the risk of heart attack is greatest. 
  • A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it is been decapitated.   
  • The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. 
  • The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself.
  • The most common blood type in the world is Type O.
  • Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil.
  • It is not possible to tickle yourself. 
  • Humans are the only animals to produce emotional tears.
  • Research suggests that Children tend to grow faster in spring season as compared to any other time of the year  

  • You have no sense of smell when you're sleeping 
  • You know, you can see your nose all the time but somehow your brain always ignores it. 
  • All babies are color blind when they are born, so they only see black and white. 
  • People with dark color skin wrinkle later than the people having light color skins
  • People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper. 
  • It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
  • Your brain is move active and thinks more at night than during the day.
  • The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body. 
  • Fingers don't have any muscles.The muscles, which move our finger joints, are located in the palm and up in the forearm. 
  • Men get hiccups more often than women.  

  • A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 miles per hour.When a sneeze leaves your body, it is at such a high speed that you should avoid suppressing it. 
  • Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails. 
  • Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  • Babies are born with pink lungs but they darken in color as we breathe in polluted air.
  • The right lung is bigger than left lung.The left lung is small so as to adjust the heart in that part.
  • Human hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.
  • You burn more calorie while sleeping than watching TV.
  • Everybody has a strong eye and one weak.
  • If human eye was a digital camera ,it would have 576 mega pixels.

Amazing, right? 
So, stop smoking, drinking or eating processed food. Your body works for you all year long, so appreciate that and spoil it with good food and good care. And don't ignore its voice, it will tell you when somethings wrong or when you should step back a little and relax more. Trust your body and your gut feeling, and be proud of both. They will acompany you your entire life - so better start getting used to them! No matter what, you have a great body. Think of it like a house - your soul should like living in it. Take care of your body, you only have one!



Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Buti and Pound

I'm not a big fan of working out with weights; I prefer to use my own bodyweight instead. This post might be more attractive to females, but there also men who enjoy what I'm going to talk about: Buti, and Pound. These are two new fitness brands that have developed in the last five years as a mixture of different workout styles. They don't require weights or even a gym membership as you can order them online and do them at home by yourself (but you don't need to, they are also taught at gyms throughout the States and Europe). Although their popularity might not last, right now people are asking for it around the world. Let's look at each one separately.

Buti is a workout that was founded by Bizzi Gold, a 30-year-old female trainer and mother to two kids. Buti is a mixture of yoga, tribal dance and plyometrics. It is stated that it is an empowering workout that nourishes the female spirit as it focuses on the energy center of women: the hips. A lot of women are very tense in their hips - supposedly that's why they gain most of their weight in this area of their body. Buti works the gluts, upper and lower back, the hips, and of course the butt. As it incorporates many yoga moves, stretching is a major part of the workout. Derived from the Marathi word Buti meaning “the cure to something hidden or kept secret,” the goal is to guide women through movement, nutrition and wellness that supports the female spirit. While some movements might seem a little strange, they are actually quite challenging and effective.   

Pound was created by Kirsten Potenza and Cristina Peerenboom who love drumming and music as well as working out. It is a full-body cardio jam session, combining light resistance with constant simulated drumming. The workout fuses cardio, Pilates, isometric movements, plyometrics and Isometric poses into a 45-minute series. Pound combines cardio moves with strength training and drumming. This combo works the entire body, raises the heart rate to a fat-burning zone, and forces each move to be as precise as a basic beat. You can even work out to your favorite music to get extra motivation.

What do you think of these workouts? Would you pay for them at the gym? They are certainly not the same as reguar aerobic or step classes, but they do work your body and help you get ripped. As you shouldn't do the same workout routine for a longer period of time - your muscles will get bored with the movements - these workouts might be a fun way to squeeze in some extra sweat. Have fun trying them!



Monday, June 2, 2014

Naturally cleaning

In an earlier post I talked about removing toxins from your life. Many toxins, with which you are in contact with regularly, are contained in cleaning products. However, you are not obliged to use these products to clean thoroughly. Many natural substances clean just as effective as chemical ones. As spring is usually the best time to remove dust and dirt accumulated in winter - 60 % of Americans engage in such ritual each year, according to a 2010 survey by The Soap and Detergent Association -  I'd like to provide you with information about how to clean naturally, avoiding all those harmful chemicals.  

Unfortunately, for many people their home isn't considered clean without that lingering (often overpowering) smell of disinfectant, bleach and pine trees in the air. But a truly clean home, one that's fresh and free from toxins, should not have any chemical or artificial smell to it. Not only are natural cleaning products healthier for cleaning, they also don't have any negative after-cleaning effects, or emit toxins.  

What toxins are we talking  about? 
  • Phenols: A disinfectant used in an array of household cleaning products. Long-term exposure has been linked to heart disease and damage to the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs in animals.
  • Naphthalene: Used in mothballs and toilet deodorant blocks, this chemical can destroy red blood cells, leading to hemolytic anemia, and is "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen," according to the Department of Health and Humans Services (DHHS).
  • Benzene: A widely used chemical in some detergents, benzene can have a harmful effect on your red blood cells and bone marrow, and long-term exposures to high levels in the air can cause leukemia.
  • Phthalates: Widely used as plastic softeners, phthalates are also added to household cleaners to help them retain fragrance. They’ve been linked to sperm damage in men and reproductive problems in newborn boys.

Look at the label of your cleaning product if it includes one (or more) of these substances. This is only a sampling as manufacturers are only required to list chemicals of "know concern" on their labels. Most of your cleaning products were (if only) tested on animals, not humans; no assurance of safety is provided. Do you want to take that risk? Besides, all those chemicals go down the drain and effect the environment negatively, too. So, it's not only yourself you are doing a favor by switching, but also the environment. Natural cleaning products require no warning or special labeling, and most certainly you have the ones listed below at home right now.

Here are some of the best natural alternatives to try:
  • Baking Soda: A natural deodorizer and cleanser, sprinkle it on drains, bathtubs and kitchen counters, or mix it with water to form a scrubbing paste. You can also sprinkle it on carpets and upholstery, wait 15 minutes or so, then vacuum it off for natural deodorizing. Baking soda even works as an oven cleaner (sprinkle the bottom of your oven with a little water, then generous amounts of baking soda, and let it sit overnight before wiping clean).
  • Vinegars: Use white vinegar to clean windows, mirrors and counters, or mix it with castile soap and water as an excellent floor or bathroom cleaner. You can also mix apple cider vinegar with baking soda for a simple drain cleaner. Vinegar also cuts grease, and setting out a bowl of it in your kitchen will help absorb food odors.
  • Lemon Juice: You can use this like you would vinegar, although lemon juice works especially well for removing hard water deposits and tarnish on silver.
  • Course Salt: A great option when you need a cleaner with scrubbing power. Try mixing salt and vinegar for a simple and effective all-purpose surface cleaner.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Use it to disinfect cutting boards or toothbrushes, or to remove stubborn stains (works especially well for blood stains) and whiten laundry.
  • Vodka: Vodka is a disinfectant that you can also use to freshen upholstery (spritz it lightly onto fabrics).
  • Essential Oils: You can mix natural antiseptic cleaners using water and a few drops of essential oils, such as grapefruit seed extract, clove or tea tree. Tea tree oil is especially effective against mold and mildew. Filling a spray bottle with water and your favorite scented essential oil (peppermint, lavender, vanilla, etc.) is also a simple recipe for a fabric or air freshener.
  • particular stain tips here

Doesn't sound that hard to use, right? Why not give it a try? But before you start cleaning, attack the clutter! Many of us tend to hoard things from the past, or stuff you think you will need in the future and will regret throwing away. Let me tell ya: it ain't gonna happen. Get rid of stuff from the past, and make room for the future. Some pictures, or clothes, or whatever, don't even remind you of happy times, so what's the purpose of keeping them anyway? Out of sight, out of mind - right? Anything you haven't used in the last five years, you won't need in the next ones. So be ruthless in identifying objects around your home and find a proper home for them, or donate them to charity. Other people might need more than you do. 

Cleaning is probably not everybody's favorite activity but what the heck, is has to be done, so you might as well enjoy it. Put on some lively music, throw open those windows to let some fresh air in, recruit some family members or friends and do it. Focus on the end result: a naturally clean, fresh-smelling home that feels like your sanctuary.


For those of you who would also like to switch to healthier cosmetic products - start making your own products. I have been doing so for years. I provide my whole family with special homemade creams, shampoos, soaps etc. It's not hard to do, really! It's like mixing cocktails or baking. You buy the ingredients, follow the recipe and done. Your skin and hair really benefit from the natural substances, and you can customize the consistency and odor of each product. If somebody has acne, an allergy against a substance of cosmetics products, dry skin or hair, warts, or something else - this is the perfect natural solution. It's great as a gift as well! It's a lot of fun to do and it's all natural, made by yourself. Try it!*

For German speakers: kosmetikmacherei Wien 
worldwide: makingcosmetics  makeyourcosmetics

If you have questions or need advice, just leave a comment below.

* btw, I'm not getting paid for this ad ;)

The Soap and Detergent Association March 17, 2010
California Air Resources Board, “Indoor Air Chemistry: Cleaning Agents, Ozone
and Toxic Air Contaminants"

UC Berkeley News May 22, 2006 
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry, Phenol
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry, Naphthalene 
Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry, Benzene
The Los Angeles Times April 28, 2008 Today October 2, 2008