Saturday, November 30, 2013


It was not too long ago when I was a child myself (or am I still one inside of me?).
When I look at the way kids behave and treat each other nowadays I am always wondering, was I the same? No I wasn’t. I didn’t text, whatsapped or got inappropriate messages at 6 years old because I simply didn’t have a phone. I didn’t scream at my teacher or any other person who was older than me, I had respect. I wanted people to consider me as a good kid, a nice girl. Yes, I watched TV but I also crafted. Yes, I was fascinated by Celebrities but I didn’t want to be or look like them.  Manners, I am missing manners and discipline. You’re probably thinking, let kids be kids we are all young only once. Hell no, there is a difference between being a kid and being a spoiled brat. I know as a parent you want to make it “right”, but your 5 year old does not need an IPhone. You can learn the alphabet with a wooden puzzle instead of an IPad app. Am I being old-fashioned? Don’t even get me started on presents or money kids get for Christmas, Birthdays or in between times. I just think it’s the parents’ responsibility to teach their children to appreciate things. As a kiddo or young teenager you want things now, right now. But ask them 2 months later if they still want the same thing, you’ll be surprised. Suggestions are to: get unique things from the second hand store, donate clothes your children grew out of, craft presents and memories and your kids won’t throw things away simply because they don’t want it anymore; they’ll know it’ll be worth to keep. However, it’s not only about stuff it’s also about time and effort. When I lived in the US I met these “supermoms”. Women who quit their job to have kids and become full-time moms. I always had the feeling there is a competition between these supermoms, who is the supersupermom. They put all their time and effort into making their family look like on a perfect Christmas holiday card all year long. Their days are full of: organizing playdate, craft dates, get-togethers in the park, driving to swimming lessons, development-improving classes, cooking classes, buying the latest hip clothes, toys, movies, technologies; I could go on forever. Their kids looked (and acted) like little David and Viktoria Beckhams. I almost fell in love with one and his Hilfiger Shirt. I don’t know if it was because I was an Au pair or because I looked way to regular but these moms and their children looked completely through me. Well, I mostly talked with their Nannies or Au pairs anyway. I assume with being at the gym 24/7, making diet-plans and blogging the results they were just too busy. Children from such families have everything and get everything. Not that I am jealous, really I am not. The contrary, I am glad I could play in dirt and that my mom let me play by myself without making sure I do everything perfectly and telling other moms about it or even blogging about it. If you get that much attention and stuff you have no other option but to turn into a super-spoiled brat.

 Note: It is not my intention to hurt anybody’s feelings. This is simply a sarcastic and exaggerated post.  

Would you want a $40,000 Birthday party?
Take a look:

true words from a mother:

Just to add something a little off topic:
Today it's called bullying, but my greatgrandmother experienced it in school too.
Take a look: 

 What if this girl gets a pimpel, does she go to the doctor as well? Will she ever stand up for herself and accept who she is? Don't these problems fade away when you grow up?

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