Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Manual vs Electric toothbrush

The other day I noticed that I need a new toothbrush. As I have been using a electric toothbrush for years, I wondered why I replaced the manual one with it. Besides, which one is better for my teeth anyway? The reality is that it’s essential to brush your teeth – and whether you’re using a manual toothbrush or an electric option, the important factor is completing a thorough, two-minute brush at least once every day. My time is precious and I don't want to put more effort into cleaning my teeth than necessary. So, I personally prefer the electric brush to do the work for me. But decide for yourself -  here are some pros and cons for each one.

Electric toothbrush


1. They're greener

There is some discussion whether the electric toothbrush is environmental friendlier than the manual toothbrush. Truth is, when the bristles of your electric toothbrush are worn-out, you don't need to replace the whole brush, just the head. So, less trash is produced. Also, it is proven that electric toothbrush bristles last longer than manual ones.  

2. Timer inside 

A doctor recommends that you brush your teeth at least three minutes. That makes one and a half minutes for each, lower and upper, jaw. I don't know about you but when I brush my teeth I'm usually tired, whether it is in the morning or at night. The least I want to do is counting seconds while brushing. Most of the time, I estimate  three minutes approximately. It is certainly more convenient to have somebody or something that tells you exactly when to switch.

3. Easier for people suffering from movement-restricting conditions

People with arthritis, limited mobility or other physical conditions are advised to use a electric toothbrush. Why? Because they have a larger handle, which is easier to grip. Plus, its powered brushes do the cleaning for you, especially in the tricky areas that require fine motor skills to get at, such as the backs of molars and behind your upper and lower front teeth.

4. Prevent hard brushing

 As a child I thought the harder I brush my teeth the cleaner they will get. The contrary actually happens . By brushing your teeth too hard, you destroy important gum layers (which never grow back), remove enamel from the tooth surface or causing sensitivity to cold, heat and other stimuli. With the manual toothbrush you can brush as hard as you want. However, with the electric toothbrush you can't brush hard at all as the motor of the brush will stop or slower down. Some brushes even beep when you brush too hard. As a matter of fact, it is not about the brush pressure, it is about the angle of the brush and teeth. Don't be hard on your teeth. 

5. Clean teeth thoroughly

The simple and only purpose of a toothbrush is to remove plaque and to stimulate the gums to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. When electric toothbrushes were first introduced, there was little to no difference between a manual and electric one. Over the years, more and more modals of electric toothbrushes have evolved and studies now show that there is a significant difference in plaque removing. The advantage of a electric toothbrush is that with the right size and form you clean hard-to-reach areas.

In a survey of 16,000 patients published by the American Dental Association, more than 80 percent said they improved their oral cleanliness after switching from their manual toothbrushes to an electric version.

[source: Electric Toothbrush Reviews].

Manual toothbrush

1. More flexible  

The manual toothbrush can be bend and turned however you want. Many modals even have a tongue cleaner on its back. So, you are able to clean your teeth and tongue at the same time. You can rotate the brush how you prefer and clean your teeth the way you want. Well, theoretically. Practically, you should brush them as your doctor advised you to.

2. Good for Kids

Brushing teeth is not a child's favorite activity. Electric toothbrushes are bigger than traditional ones and are just not as handy for children. Additionally, manual toothbrushes come in nice coloring or even with characters from child movies or books. You want to give kids the impression that brushing teeth is fun and good for them. Small manual toothbrushes for children are a great help to do so; electric ones are just too bulky. 

3. Great for traveling

When travelling with a manual brush, you don't need to worry about charging it or an adapter for the charger, when you go to foreign country. You can just pack them up as they are and use them whenever you need to. What's easier than this, right?

4. Cost and availability

Now this point is a little tricky. As many people argue, and as I have mentioned above, electric toothbrushes last longer than manual ones. However, they also cost a significant amount more. And if you need additional brush heads or specific heads, they cost you even more. A normal manual toothbrush ranges from $2 to $8*, depending on the brand, comfort grip and other features designed to make your oral care routine more effective and enjoyable. The electric toothbrush market is quite diverse, and models range from $30 to $200*. When it comes to effectiveness, a higher price does not necessarily mean a better performance. Brush heads for electric brushes vary from $10 to $40*. Nowadays, both types are available at almost the same stores. Manual toothbrushes are still the more inexpensive and available choice. 

*these are approximate prices and can vary 

5. Many different types and variety

Blue, grey, green, more flexible, less flexible, with Winnie Pooh or Spider man - manual toothbrushes have it all. Everyone has a different preference when it comes to toothbrushes. I bet there is at least one in every store you would take. Not only the coloring, motives and shape vary, but also the texture, softness and size.

Whether you choose an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush, what's most important is daily brushing and flossing. And as your doctor told you: brushes need to be replaced every three months or when the bristles are no longer straight and firm. 





Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Remove toxins from your life

Many women want to have children but can't get pregnant. Many men loose their hair at an early age. Many teenagers suffer from acne and pimples. And who is responsible for all that? Right, hormones. As I mentioned Jillian Michaels' book in my last post, I decided to dig deeper into this topic. I want to call attention to all the areas of our life that influence our hormones. Hormones control your body, your mind, your metabolism, your love life; in short: your everything. Likewise, hormones are controlled by your entire life. Control and be controlled - is how it works. In order to be happy and make the most of life, we all need a well-functioning body that allows us to do anything we want. But in reverse, we have to take care of it and provide it with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs. Our bodies are literally under assault in the modern world. On every corner are toxins waiting for us to get into our bodies. Some toxins are in our food such as artificial sweeteners, refined sugars, flavoring and coloring additives. Others are in our air, cosmetic products, clothes, medicines, industrial waste and heavy metal. We even inflict ourselves upon lack of sleep, continuous exposure to stress and overeating (unhealthy food). The more we surround us with these toxins or produce them within our bodies ourselves, the more we suffer from them. Naturally, smoking, drinking alcohol or taking other drugs transform us into living trash bagsthe quickest. The 'smaller', more hidden toxins are trickier to identify and get rid of. Let's take a look at some substances and chemicals that might influence you in your life, without your awareness.

  • Polyvinyl chloride (V or PVC)
 These chloride is hormone-disrupting substances and cancer-causing dioxins leach out of PVC when in contact with heat, food (especially cheese and meat), water, air or our bodies. They can be found cooking-oil bottles, clear wrap around meat, cheese, deli meats and other food as well as in plumbing pipes and toys. To prevent their usage, store food in glass, never ever heat food wrapped in plastic in the microwave, and buy cooking-oil in glass bottles. 

  • Polystyrene (PS or Styrofoam)
All known polystyrene are suspected carcinogens - which cause cancer. They can be found in egg cartons, disposable coffee cups, meat trays, packing peanuts, CD jewel cases, disposable silverware and transparent takeout containers. To avoid them never drink hot drinks out of foam cups or eat food out of foam containers. Pack food in glass or ceramic containers instead of plastic takeout ones. 

  • Polycarbonate (PC)
Studies have shown the link between bisphenol A (BPA - look for it on products!), a chemical in polycarbonate plastic, with harmful effects such as early puberty, abnormal breast tissue and prostate growth, and lower sperm counts. PC can be found in baby bottles, microwave ovenware, medical storage containers, plastic liners of almost all food and soft-drink cans, water jugs and building material. Rinse your food thoroughly before you eat it and use glass baby bottles. If you ever smell plastic in a drinking bottle - do not drink it!
Plastic labeled PL (polylactide) is made from corn and sugar - and fully compostable. Look on the bottom of you bottle: PL is fine, PC is not!

  • Polyethylene terephtalate (PET)
    found in 80% of all bottles and containers
  • High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
    found in milk and yogurt containers
  • Polypropylene (PP)
    found in underwear, diapers and plastic containers

-- Don't open the dishwasher while in process. That 'woosh' of steam releases toxic chlorine from the combination of detergent and water!

-- plastic grocery bags - NO!!

Stay away from: 

Chlorinated white paper towels
Bleached coffee filters
"Antibacterial" (dish) soap
Teflon pans
Artificial room deodorizer
Stain-resistant clothing
Weed killer
Lice shampoo
Plastic toys
Flame-retardant clothing
Soy formula for babys
BPA or chlorine-beached diapers 

 This is just a short overview of substances and effects on the human body. There are many more but to mention them all would take weeks. I know, I overwhelmed you with many chemical expressions and facts but my intention is to make you aware of their existence. They are everywhere! And yes, we still live although we consume them every day, but look at the cancer statistics, at the growing infertility worldwide. We are destroying our future, basically ourselves. Please, please look at the labels and bottoms of bottles. The abbreviations mentioned above have to be stated there by law and you can protect yourself by not consuming them. You might look at this now like this is nothing but a joke, but in a few years you may be struggling with your immune system, headaches, constant sickness or infertility; this is preventable!

For you to know what I'm talking about - these are the major hormones in your body, on which plastic and other chemicals have effects on. Of course, there are hundreds more than these:

#1 Insulin
The main function of Insulin is to control blood sugar. Shortly after you eat food, especially highly processed carbohydrates, your meal is broken down into simple sugars and  released into your bloodstream. By preventing a constant insulin roller coaster, you maintain a balanced energy level.

# 2 Thyroid Hormones
Thyroids perform many functions in the human body. They help control the amount of oxygen each cell uses, the rate at which your body burns calories, your heart rate, overall growth, body temperature, fertility, digestion and your memory and mood.

#3 Estrogen and Progesterone

Estrogen is responsible for the pubertic transformation of a girl into a women. And later for their menstrual cyrcle and fertility. Progesterone is the precursor of testosterone in men, which is more or less responsible for the pubertic process of boys. Both control blood pressure, appetite, mood, fertility, libido, digestive enzymes and the water and salt balance your body.

 #4 Testosterone and DHEA
Both hormones can be found in men and women. They take care of aging and renewing cells. Menopause, body fat, fertility are also controlled by testosterone and DHEA.

Serotonin (controls mood, appetite and sleep)
Adrenal (controls oxygen and glucose supply for brain and muscles)
Melatonin (controls sleep and energy level)

Dopamine (controls heart rate and blood pressure)
Human growth hormone ( important for kids to grow, controls muscle growth and libido) 
Cortisol (transforms sugar into fat)


more reading and sources:
Jillian Michaels' Master your Metabolism

Jillian Michaels

I don't know about you but I love to work out. However, I don't always have the time to go to a gym or a fitness class. So, one day I had the idea of looking through the Internet to find a video online that I could do real quick to move a little. The videos of the fitness trainer Jillian Michaels caught my attention most. First of all, she is not blond, like the majority of the female undernourished trainers I found online, and secondly, she really kicked my butt. Her workouts are a mixture betweencardio, strength and abs - one circuit includes these taking 3, 2 and 1 minutes respectively. While this concept of 3-2-1 itself is relatively short, it repeats throughout the workouts, which range from 20mins to an hour and a half. Exercises are only done once, which really makes me get my head in the game as I want to work my entire body, not just parts of it. Apart from all that, what I liked most about Jillian Michaels is how she motivates me during the workout and afterwards. She points out multiply times that her workouts are not just about fitness and exercising. They are about effort and inner strength - ultimately about stepping out of your own comfort zone. See how perfectly I have memorized that, it works! And honestly, I really does work. I don't know if I should feel embarrassed for exercising at home and feeling great about it, but I couldn't care less - because it works. As I found out later, Jillian Michaels is actually a popular trainer in the US. She can be seen on NBC's The Biggest Loser, where she trains contestants to loose the most amount of weight to win the show, and on Losing it with Jillian, where she focuses on one family to find out what caused their overweight and help them to turn their lives around. On these shows, in her videos and her books, she repeatedly mentions that it's not about fitness. Her philosophy is to use the tool of fitness to push people to their limits and show them that they can be so much more than they think they can be. It's about believing in yourself, she says. And apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks that it works. She has been a very successful personal trainer since she is 17 and turns everything she touches into gold, like her books and TV-shows. Ok, I understand you might argue now that there are many successful trainers from Hollywood who claim to know the fastest way to loose weight. Our magazines are all stuffed with diet plans of celebrities' trainers anyway, so why do we need another one to tells us how to eat and workout? What's so special about this one? Because Jillian Michaels is authentic, that's why. She couldn't care less about magazines, the media or celebrities. She doesn't do commercials or ads. As I said before, for her it's all about being the best version of yourself and in focusing on that you will eat healthier, work out, and eventually loose weight. Reaching your own personal limits will help you to extend them and make more of your life. One way to reach limits is with fitness. Oh boy. When she is in the gym, she turns into a wild animal. She screams, throws things around and challenges people, to say the least. By screaming at people, she says, she intimidates and pushes them to their maximum. She doesn't yell unreasonably, though. Furthermore, she can relate to people's stories as she was an overweight child herself. She got picked on, struggled with loosing weight and had a very unstable personality.  Later, her mother got her into martial arts and she ended up being a personal trainer. Having ADAHD and being openly bisexual makes her a real person and not just another perfect
fitness dimwit. She recently adopted a toddler while having a baby with her partner Heidi Rhoades. As you can see, I'm quite a fan of hers and I really recommend checking out her videos and her book Master your Metabolism. This book discusses the issue of why certain people can eat anything without gaining weight, and others just need to look at food to put pounds on. The issue is about hormones. Your whole body is controlled by hormones; every little action is. Cosmetics, uncontrollable plastic intake, exercise, stress, family situation and a lot more influences our hormones, our fertility and our metabolism. This book is about being healthy, not about another diet. Other books by Jillian Michaels are Unlimited, Winning by Losing and Making the Cut. She has released over 15 DVDs including Body Revolution, Extreme Shred, Killer Abs and Ripped in 30.

'Unless you puke, faint or die, keep running'

In the end, they all thank her. 
Because sometimes you just need somebody to push you. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A little yelp doesn't hurt nobody

Well, hello hello. Welcome back. Have you ever heard of 'yelp'? No? Apparently, this website is spreading around the globe and is about to become one of the "important" ones. As if a website could ever be more important than real life, but let's not get into that right now.
Do you read restaurant reviews on the Internet? I certainly don't. When I'm hungry I look for the nearest place to eat and go for it. However, when I book a hotel or a trip, I do feel the need to read online feedback from previous guests. So, how come I'm not doing it for a restaurant before I go there? Anyway, this website called 'yelp' strongly recommends to do so. The feedback on this site even includes pictures and is available in many different languages. Local businesses from all over the world are registered on this site, and if one is not, you can add it. I was really amazed by the amount of restaurant, bars and other places it covers. I typed in the smallest restaurant I know, which is located in the middle of nowhere, and it popped up. I guess, you should try it yourself. If you can find one, that is not yet on there, please let me know. The businesses on this site are organized into various categories such as food, shopping, nightlife, education, pets, and many more. No matter what you are looking for, yelp can recommend you a local business for it. Every business can be rated by anybody as well as every review. As a result, these reviews and ratings of businesses strongly influence the choice of readers. As anybody can write a review, you cannot be sure about its quality. Critics say that many businesses can overrate themselves or post an untrue review. To say it in a nutshell, it is all about the image; the corporate identity. Businesses want to look better than they actually are. Of course, who wouldn't want to be thought of better. On the otherhand, since anybody can write anything - as long as it is not too offensive - some reviews turn out to be quite harsh, boring or negativ. Others are quite helpful, honest and useful.
Take a look at these funny review:

all taken from

Even Ellen found some 'interesting' ones:

Why not try it out? Next time, before you visit a local business, look it up on yelp. See if it matches your experience. Please, let me know. And until then - be happy.